Nuwave Oven Chips / To Go With Your Fish (Fish and Chips)


Fish and chips go together like a horse and carriage or more like bread with butter. So here is a great healthy way to make  french fry tasting chips without the grease. Use your Nuwave oven.

P1010110 (Small)

Buy some potatoes (I like the red small potatoes. Wash then slice in thickness of about ¼ to ½ inch. It is up to you. The thinner the slices the more crispy the outcome will be. Use the nuwave high rack. Spray with cooking spray.

Place the potatoe slices on the rack. Spray the top of the potatoes with the spray. Place the potatoes in the nuwave and set the timer for 15 minutes.  Cook until golden brown.


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How To Cook Walleye In The Nuwave Oven

I love my Nuwave oven for cooking walleye. It cooks very fast because of the convection heating.

Below beutifully cooked golden brown Walleye in Nuwave oven in 18 minutes.

P1010104 (Small)It is important to get the best tasting fish to prepare your fish properly. Fillet your walleye and skin your fish. Wash your walleye in water then put on a dry paper towel and pat dry.

Dip your walleye filets before you bread it. A product that is excellent you can find in your grocers refrigerator case is called egg beaters (which are egg whites). Pour some egg beaters in a bowl.

The next step is to dip your fish filet into the egg beaters using a fork put it in your breading and push the fish down into the breading to get more of the breading to stick to the filet. Then put the filet on the Nuwave high cooking rack. First spray your Nuwave cooking rack with a no stick cooking spray.

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Lake Of The Woods Walleyes (Canadian) / Great Fishing Destination

One of the greatest freshwater fisheries in the world is Lake of The Wood. It is so big it would be impossible to cover all areas of the lake in one article. It would take a book. Canadian fishing Lake Of The Woods is different in that most of the lakes 14,000 lie in Canadian waters. This is a bonus to have protection for your average boater in the boat size of 16 to 22 foot. The American side of the LOW is one huge body of water unsheltered by islands.

One great area to fish walleye is the Sioux Narrows Ontario area. From Sioux Narrows there is what I would describe as a long narrow arm portion of LOW. This arm of LOW is .5 to 1 mile wide and runs 15 miles long out to one of the bigger lake areas of LOW whitefish bay. Also as you get out 15 miles you are definitely in a remote wilderness area.

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Lake Of The Woods Walleyes (American Side) / Great Fishing Destination

How to catch walleye.

One of the greatest fisheries on the planet is Lake of The Woods. Bordered by Minnesota  on the South, Manitoba , and Ontario on the North. LOW has phenomenal populations of walleye, smallmouth, big northern big, and a world class musky fishery combined into one huge lake. Few waters can boast of this diversity and populations of fish species. LOW approximately 80 miles wide by 80 miles has 14,000 islands. Much of this lake is big and wild (undeveloped).

So where does a new angler to LOW choose to go fishing? Let’s take walleyes species. Walleyes are found literally throughout Low in high populations. Let’s break down the lakes in a few chunks that hold the highest populations. Start on the south shore of LOW on the Minnesota side from Warroad, Mn to Baudette Mn you have a very large portion called Big Traverse bay. You cannot see across it. Big Traverse bay has very high populations of walleye and because commercial netting has been stopped for some years now has only increased the walleye population  and the average fish size in this section of LOW.

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The Perch Patrol / Fishing Devils lake


It’s the dead of winter as write this post in Minnesota . It suppose to be -16 F and -30 F windchill tonight. The dead of winter many refer to as the period after new years until about March 1st when the the weather is pretty darn cold. How about taking a couple three days vacation and going on a fishing trip. Something to break the winter.  A great get away would be to Devils lake North Dakota for an ice fishing trip with the famous Perch patrol guide service.

Devils Lake note for its jumbo perch one of the world best perch fisheries and to boot one of the 5 best walleye lakes in the United States. A couple friends and myself were talking about doing this trip. A bucket trip to do at least once for every fisherman. It is said a  pound to a pound and ½ perch are common. Perch are a great eating fish.  There is a Amtrak train option you can take for a very reasonable price.  Yes a bucket trip on my list.


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Adding Fish Structure / How To catch Bass

Building fish structures for your lake , pond , or river is very possible. Honey hole trees and shrubs are made of material that will not deriorate.  These artificial teees and shrubs give your fish a place to ambush prey and give the prey a cover to hide in.

You add the honey hole trees in water that is 6 feet or deeper. You place the trees in 15 feet or less of water. This is the feeding area of your fish. Place your honey hole trees in groups of 2-3.  The honey hole tree is 6 feet tall by 7 feet wide. You assemble the tree much like you would an artificial Christmas tree. The honey hole shrub which is about half the size of the honey hole tree is designed to promote forage fish. You place the honey hole shrub in 3-4 feet of water typically near a spawning area. The honey hole shrub is 32 inches high by 6 feet wide. The shrub will enable fish to lay eggs and attract algae for feed. The shrub gives the newly hatched forage minnows a place to hide and protect themselves. Check with your state’s DNR to make sure this within your state regulations.

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Spider rigging for Crappie / How To Catch Crappie

How to fish crappie

Spider rigging for crappie is a very popular and extremely productive way to catch crappies.  Spider rigging very popular in the southern US where multiple rods per angler are legal. Here in Minnesota spider rigging is not legal unless you use one pole / line per angler. So be sure and check your states regulations before considering this method. A spider rig starts with a slightly curved bar about 6-8 foot in length (where the poles mount) .

On the bar there are 8-12 rod holders that will hold rods and will fish over the front of the boat. You fish with no more then 4-5 rods per fisherman. If two people are fishing they would use at most 8-10 poles. More then 8 poles can get too much to manage. Multiple hits with fish on are very common. Yea, sounds like a lot of fun.  You mount your rods in the rod holders using half the poles being 16 feet and half being 12 feet. Yes these are specialized very long cane pole type.

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How To Catch Crappie Using Night Lights

An underutilized method for catching crappie is to use lights at night. You set up 1 to 3 bright halogen lights on a dock or a side of a boat. Car lights on styrfoam are an option or other light systems.  The lights will set attracting a food chain in motion. The plankton will be first , followed by minnows, then bluegills, crappies , and sometimes larger fish such as walleye.  This method works all summer to fall.  Be sure and check your state regs to make sure this method is legal.

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Winter Bass Fishing Tips

How to caught bass in the winter.

Winter time fishing for bass. When talking winter fishing for bass we are talking about the southern part of the US. Since the northern US is iced over.  The metabolism of bass are slow calling for a slower presentation. Location for winter bass. You will find the bass where the food is. Look for bait on electronics. During the winter over 97% of the water holds no fish. You will many times find the bass grouped in schools.

Lipless crank baits like the Rapala clack n rap is a good choice for deeper fish.  Red is hot color. A Rapala xrap is a suspending jerk bait that works good in shallow water.  Jigs can also be very productive. Again fish them slow.  If you are fishing a southern lake or reservoir look  at the shore line . Try points. Looking at the shore line look for transition areas. Examples of transition areas are:  where gravel turns to sand, small rock to large rock.

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December Fly Fishing Tips For Stream Trout

How To Fly Fish.

Much overlooked is winter stream trout fishing . Many states have a winter fishing season for stream trout. You can catch trout in the winter. A few tips when fishing stream trout in the winter, Fish the warm days, Say the weather pattern has been 10-19 degrees for highs and then warms to mid 30’s for highs. You want to fish the  warm days mid 30’s and fish the the mid day hours when the temps are the warmest. The warmest time of the day are when the fish are the most active. Avoid the days of frigid or inclement weather when there is snow or rain/sleet.

The nymph pattern are best choices. The rabbit hare and pheasant tail nymph would be at the top of the list. The fish will be lying on the bottom. To get  to the bottom you will need a split shit bb about 4-5 feet in front of your nymph. States that allow multiple flys will allow you to tie 2 – 3 flies on your line. Some fly fisherman like to put a lead fly right where the tippit ties to the floating fly line.

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